It’s Legacy.

Team-owner commitment: political capital.
The clout to be treated equally. A Zero-Sum Game.

(They’re our taxes.)

It’s a Credit Union.

Yin Yang Economy Panthers.jpg
Pledge Soc Pol and Fin Cap.jpg


Partner with sports fans.

Wrk3 Partner The New Charlotte.jpg

Economic Development

Access to Capital & Absorb Market Risk (80%)


Buy Historic Property for neighbors


  • Historic property to help current neighbors prevent their own gentrification, build and support neighbors' small businesses and aging in place

  • Social Capital Letters of Credit to secure neighbor community-builders' traditional business loans. It's the equity to co-sign.

  • Absorb Market Risk by using the construction to build M/WBE capacity esp. Black-owned businesses. Inclusion of black-owned businesses in City projects is currently 3% with business-owners reporting a lack of access to capital.

  • Fund commercial, revenue-generating opportunities before funding housing.

  • Prioritize homeless housing and supporting formerly incarcerated and former military people and families first.

  • This is new organization offering demand-driven service delivery to create a platform for Charlotte's advocates and academics to collaborate. With our current donor-driven system, advocates define the problems to assess need for services rather than listen to the most in need. Care-givers are forced to compete for funding which discourages full collaboration and makes social capital less liquid. If we create the space first, everyone will be listening to the right end of the ladder.


Recession-Proofing & Small Business Growth


  • Help communities by making them less reliant on one industry (i.e. banking, mining, textiles, supply chain)

  • Support people in lower incomes first so they are less at risk in a bad economy more recession proof

  • Offset declining markets and regulatory changes with emerging markets

  • Urban vs non-urban solutions

  • Biennial objective review

  • The Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs will work with the Kelley, Tepper, and McColl Schools of Business to use emerging makets to support communities most at risk due to reliance on declining and regulated industries.


Gun Safety

up to 1%

  • Gun safety training

  • Safety equipment for homes

  • Buy-back guns to melt for community arts

    ** No connection to any organization with Political Activity. Divert no more than 1% of the total franchise revenue for this.

Community, Mental Health & Wellness (10%)


Community, Mental Health & Wellness


If we create the space first, everyone will be listening to the right end of the ladder.

This is new organization offering demand-driven service delivery to create a platform for Charlotte's advocates and academics to collaborate. With our current donor-driven system, advocates define the problems to assess need for services rather than listen to the most in need. Community leaders (“care-givers” in the graphics) are forced to compete for funding which discourages full collaboration and makes social capital less liquid.

Dependent care is a significant barrier to employment and continues to be a challenge across all incomes. This challenge is also a unique opportunity for neighbors to create community. If a neighbor pitches in with the work onsite, we’ll vouch for them with a job or small business loan.


Wellness - Military


The mental health, wellness, and community support created in this space for the neighbors needs to be expanded to specifically support our veterans and their families. Our veterans are 50% more likely to be homeless than the rest of us. We must be intentional about serving our veterans the way they have served us.

If he is willing, name this for/by Max Cleland. I am grateful to have had the privilege of sharing lunch and an afternoon with the former Senator. We had a heart-to-heart about our own battles with depression. He taught me there is no hierarchy to grief and depression. He's told his personal story publicly in his books and worked tirelessly to remove the stigma around mental health for veterans. His work saves lives.


Wellness - Incarceration


Target the Wellness Programs created onsite to support those neighbors and their families living with the legacy of incarceration. If the men and women looking for a second chance contribute in the community, neighbor leaders can vouch for them. In addition to housing, this model will create a network of small business owners in the city to make it easier to hire people who are formerly incarcerated. Second chances happen when we stick together.

If her family permits, please name this for Ramona Brant. I had the privilege of hearing her tell her story a few months before her death. It's a story that must be honored.

Legacy (5%)


Historically Black Colleges & universities


Create a pass-through entity to distribute funds to the Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Encourage creation of scholarships where possible.

Named by the first group of advisors (the student body president of each HBCU) and facilitated by James "Fergie" Ferguson.

Advisory (5%)


Political - Voter Shareholders


This is an anti-party. Our government is where we come together to solve our problems. It’s time to treat us as equals and offer our neighbors in previously redlined neighborhoods . We can select our elected representatives without national political parties, causes or business donations. It’s economic development and therefore political parties, issues based in religion, and any discussion of race are irrelevant. The citizens willing to represent us without non-Charlotte support or reliance on a political party are our greatest resource.

  • Political Capital - Support economic development and demand-driven service delivery without the influence of political parties or causes.

  • Maintain at least as many shareholder memberships as it takes signatures to run for office as an independent. Only total members by precinct will be reported

  • Candidates may record 3-1 hr onsite conversational interviews if and only if the candidate refuses non-Charlotte donations

  • Report monthly all donations > $50 in order to participate in and record a conversational interview.

  • Hire local campaign strategists of both parties (exclusively) in 2020 to ensure shareholders across the full spectrum of voters, demographics and precincts are committed to this project and share the candidates' interviews with their neighbors throughout the community


Independent Municipal Financial Advisory
and Franchise Fee


1% of all contributions to Leslie Dwyer to license this model in perpetuity. Ms. Dwyer will and provide independent municipal financial advisory services.

2% of the funds will be used to pay interns and professors at the Indiana University O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs to support the public finance and public policy analysis needs of this organization

1% franchise fee (else to Ms. Dwyer) to the alumni associations of any alma mater or endowed school of Mr. Hugh McColl, Mr. David Tepper, or Ms. Dwyer that establishes a franchise in another city. Preference will be given to cities with high income disparity, no living wage or state Right-to Work statutes. A professional sports franchise is not required to create a franchise.

Clawback provision

In year one, if the citizens do not meet the shareholder pledge and service delivery requirements, the funds will revert to the City’s professional sport team-owner. The team-owner may elect to decline this reversion. If voter-shareholder goals are not met by year two, the city’s license will be revoked.

Consensus and Something for Everyone.

Follow the Money.